

Automated electricity metering system

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Automated system of control and accounting of energy resources

Household sector

AMI for the household sector NovaSyS EnergySale

This system is designed to solve existing and emerging challenges in today’s energy market:

  • elimination of unaccounted electricity consumption by the household sector;
  • control of household networks to detect unauthorized electricity intake;
  • monitoring of consumption and timely payment of household electricity consumption;
  • regulation of electricity consumption by disconnecting debtors from the grid;
  • drawing up the balance of the electric power on areas, substations, houses;
  • energy consumption planning in electricity owner’s networks;
    cheaper and “easier” configurations of systems for collecting, storing, and transmitting commercial data on electricity consumption to the top level. The NovaSyS system, developed by HIK, solves these problems by implementing the following features:

    • collection of electricity metering data from meters via the following communication channels: Ethernet, PLC, radio channel;
    • the ability to collect data without losing the accuracy of readings, regardless of the number of stories of buildings and the number of consumers in it;
    • remote balance monitoring;
    • the presence of independent memory in the equipment used, which captures all unauthorized influences on the data collection system;
    • remote control of connection/disconnection of subscribers to / from the power grid;
    • possibilities of unlimited expansion of the survey network.

Industrial sector

AMI industrial enterprises

Is a multilevel system for the automated collection of information from meters. At the lower level is installed a central server with a standard database (MS SQL, Postgres) and software NovaSyS Enterprise. Access to the ASKOE database from client workplaces is organized. NovaSyS Enterprise software provides:

  • the latest collection of information from metering devices at measuring sites (the survey period is set depending on the tasks – once per product, once a year, or another period);
  • conducting the necessary calculations of energy consumption parameters;
  • formation of reporting forms of different levels of complexity;
  • analysis of the collection and completeness of information;
  • conducting control of current capacity at individual points or group of accounting;
  • sending the necessary information to the energy company

On our planet, the process of population growth is continuous and very rapid, which leads to a reduction in the number of available energy and natural resources. In these conditions, it becomes important to strengthen control over their rational use.

Automated energy metering and control systems are a powerful tool in the hands of experts to obtain “first-hand” reliable information about energy consumption of metering objects, its analysis, detection and cessation of energy theft, reducing operating costs of energy companies to obtain information from meters.

More than five years ago, NIK decided to develop “smart” devices and systems for accounting for energy resources: gas, water, heat, electricity. Today, our plants and laboratories have more than 600 employees: development engineers, programmers, and other highly qualified specialists. Based on “smart” electricity meters, industrial controllers, specialized equipment, and software of our production, we create automated systems of integrated energy accounting – ASKOE NovaSyS.